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Sidebar: How Could Jacob Wrestle God And Win?

How Could Jacob Wrestle God And Win?

The short answer is: by prevailing.

Let me explain. 

Imagine, you want to climb a mountain. It is a challenge, it will be hard, but you train and you get yourself ready and then weeks or months down the road you decide it is time to climb that mountain and so you set out to do it. You do not give up and you achieve this. Are you now stronger than the mountain? No, but the mountain presented a challenge, it caused you to become a stronger person, and you prevailed.

Credit does go to you to an extent but also to the mountain for presenting the resistance you needed to become who you were meant to be. Only in this case, the mountain is the Father and it is by His hand and His wisdom that Jacob was transformed. In my mind this goes along with the old saying, “If you ask God to move a mountain, be prepared to wake up next to a shovel.”

Sure, YHWH could have changed Him in a blink but often He allows us to go through transformative experiences to help us understand the transformation that He is making in us.

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