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Psalms 146-150 Deep Diving Bible Study

Audio listeners, there is additional content included at the bottom of this post that is not mentioned in the audio.


Today’s readings are Psalms 146-150

Click here to read today’s passages on BibleGateway.

Rabbit Trails

We finish up the book of Psalms today – and we will see that the Father ends this book on the perfect note!

In today’s Psalms, depending on what translation you are using, you may see a lot of all caps “LORD”. Remember that this word was added in by translators as a replacement to YHWH’s personal name. I like to circle these in red, to remind me that He wanted us to know His name and His intent was that it be in the Word. I’ve seen a few other group members do that as well, or underline them, etc. Either way, I just wanted to remind you what the all caps LORD means. I’m not saying that it is bad to call YHWH “Lord”, I’m just explaining why some choose not to.

I have a lot of things to point in our reading. They may seem small but many are far from it. You’ll notice that each time you read the word, you’ll glean more and more from it. As if we were harvesting grain. On the first go around we may use the tractor and gather large bushels. On the second go around, we would use a smaller instrument, and gather less but go deeper towards the ground. On the next go around, we’d be walking, looking for kernels, one by one, each of them valued and precious. We are doing the first sweep now but there are infinite more sweeps yet to make and there will always be kernels to find!

Psalm 146 key points that jumped out at me:

I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.

What are we using this life for? Are we seeking to be respected and regarded in the eyes of man? Do we want to be known and held in acclaim by our community, our church, our employer? Or are we seeking to bring glory to the King? One endeavor will bear fruit that will eventually rot. The fruit of the other is eternally sweet.

Psalm 146:3-4

Put not your trust in princes,
    in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.
When his breath departs, he returns to the earth;
    on that very day his plans perish.

Now, some people see “son of man” as referring to the humanity of Messiah, but that clearly is not the case in this passage. Why? Look at number 4. This is in no way a descriptor of our Messiah. This verse reminds us not to put our trust in mere humans, no matter how exalted they are in this world. Our trust belongs in Him alone and those who are called by Him will remind us of that.

If you’ve been reading with us since the beginning, or even shortly after, you may recognize the significance in this line:

“The Lord watches over the sojourners;” Psalm 146: 9

Who are the sojourners? All of those who aren’t of the tribes of Israel but who join themselves to the Father and worship Him as their God. In other words, most of us. We’ve read about them throughout our reading so far as they are mentioned often. And He sure does watch over us! What a wonderful and loving Father we have!

Psalm 147 features a lot of descriptor of YHWH which remind us that He is a builder, an encourager, and one who gives life.

Psalm 149:1 Sing to YHWH a new song…

YHWH instructs us to tell of His deeds to our children, to retell these stories from the lives of our spiritual ancestors, which is our spiritual family history. We must tell them so that they will know the one true God, to build their faith, to encourage their trust. As a loving parent who knows YHWH as the God in our lives, we know that we are giving our children a distinct advantage and also saving them years of heartache. But we also must sing a new song. We must tell of what YHWH has done personally for us. We must tell the story of our own deliverance.

Each generation must sing the songs of their ancestors – and their own songs as well, so that others will know that He is the one true God.

And now we come to the last Psalm, 150. The closing line is a directive that will be followed by all according to His timing.

Let everything that has breath praise YHWH! Praise YHWH!

Psalm 150:7

And so, beloved siblings, we complete another book. Our sword is sharper and our shield all the more at the ready. Rak Chazak!

Click here to get the Psalms Focus Sheet

Click here to view the answer key

Test everything, hold tight to what is good.~ 1 Thess 5:21

We are saved by Grace alone: Obedience is not the root of our salvation, it is the fruit!

May YHWH bless the reading of His Word!