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Text Messaging Frequently Asked Questions

We are excited to try out a text messaging service for our daily readings. We will provide this service as long as we are able to do so but cannot guarantee how long that will be. It is important to note that while this is a convenience and will certainly be helpful for as long as we are able to offer it, the notes are always available to anyone at anytime by visiting SeekingScripture.com. 

We appreciate you taking the time to read each of the following Frequently Asked Questions to find any answers you may need. Thank you! 

This does not change anything in how the Facebook group works and you do not have to subscribe to text messages. We are simply offering this service as an added convenience for those would like to receive them. 

1. There are two lists available. We recommend that you only subscribe to one. 

2. We need to know your name for all of the features to work. When you text in for the first time, our automated system will ask for your name in it’s response to you. In order to finalize your subscription, we need you to reply back with your name so that all of the features are available to you. 

3. If you sign up for the wrong list: 

You can unsubscribe from the Facebook Group messages within the first week by texting: STOPGROUP

You can unsubscribe from the Genesis messages within the first week by texting: STOPGENESIS

To stop messages at any other time, text STOP and this will stop all messages from Seeking Scripture. 

If you stop all messages and would like to get messages again, text UNSTOP.

4. I’d like to receive the text message at a different time. Is that possible? We are not able to customize this. The text messages are sent to the entire list at the same time each day.

5. I have a friend who is not in the group but would like to start the Bible study. Can they subscribe to the text messages? Absolutely. Please share the phone number with them and have them text in GENESIS in order to begin receiving the readings beginning with Genesis 1.

6. I accidentally unsubscribed from the list. How do I resubscribe? If you texted STOP, simply text UNSTOP to begin receiving messages again. 

7. I sent in a reply to a text message, but never received your reply back answer. The Seeking Scripture team is made up entirely of volunteers. We have programmed this to be an automated text messaging system and do not have the staff that would be required to respond to text messages. If you have a question please ask in the Facebook discussion group. If you’re not a member of the group, please request to join so that you can be added during the next cycle. You can request to join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/frontporchfellowship

8. If I want to take part in the discussion, will I still go to the Facebook group? All discussion will still take place in the Facebook group. The text messaging system will only be used to send links to the daily readings. When you sign up for the Facebook Group list (option 1), you will also find a link to the Facebook discussion group in each message for convenience. Please note that the Facebook Group link will only allow you to visit the group if you are currently a member. 

9. The link in today’s message had an error or didn’t work. Can you send it to me again? We are unable to resend a text message but it is inevitable that there may be an error from time to time as we are only human. If you encounter a link error or need to find past notes, you can do so by visiting SeekingScripture.com. To learn how to find any of our Bible notes whenever you need them, please click here. 

10. There was a typing error in today’ s text message. Who do I contact about that? There is no need to let us know as we will see it the same time you do but by then the ship has already sailed! Instead, we invite you to chuckle along with us and be grateful that, while we aren’t perfect, our Messiah is!

11. I do not have a United States phone number, can I still get the messages? Regrettably, we are only able to offer this to those with U. S. Phone numbers. However, the readings are available at any time on SeekingScripture.com and we will continue to post in the Discussion group daily as we always have. To learn how to find any of our Bible notes whenever you need them, please click here.