What are the Biblical Feasts and why should I, as a Believer, keep them? Click here

Let’s face it – most of us just weren’t raised celebrating the Father’s Appointed Times. We begin celebrating these “foreign” holidays, learning to walk according to the Father, and our greatest desire is for our children to enjoy each day and celebrate them again the following year. However, that’s not always as easy as it sounds, so I hope to offer some inspiration here. 

Trumpets is right around the corner, so here are five fun ideas to make trumpets a blast for the whole family.

  1. Make shofars out of paper towel tubes and decorate them.  When the kids in our fellowship were young, we made these and then let them decorate them. I supplied them with stickers, glitter, pipe cleaners, and markers so that they could make it their own. I’m not sure which was more fun for them, the decorating or the blowing them, but it was a big hit. You can find an excellent how-to for making the shofars here.  
  2. Learn the phases of the moon. Since Trumpets  is on the first day of the seventh month, this is a perfect time to learn about the moon and its phases. If you are interested in some worksheets, you can find them here.  You may even want to chart the whole month by having them draw the phase of the moon each day.
  3. Learn about Teshuva.  Trumpets is a great time to talk about repentance, turning from sin, and returning to the Father. Here is a free coloring page from Heaven is Love that you can print for this lesson. 
  4. Have a parade. Gather everyone together and have a parade around the backyard and make a joyful noise.  Don’t forget to blow the shofars you made!
  5. Make themed snacks. Bugles are great for trumpet-themed snacks. Check out Pinterest for so many fun ideas like these.


Consider an ice cream social.  Filling cones that look like shofars can be fun.  Now I realize that I live in the South, and many of you live up North, where it might be chilly at this time of year but is it really ever too cold for ice cream?

I hope that this short list helps to make your celebration fun for the kids.  And maybe – it will spark some even better ideas for next year.


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Check out all of our Fall Feast Articles by clicking here 

About the Seeking Scripture Team: We are a group of believers from all walks of the faith, saved by grace alone through faith in our Messiah. While we are of one accord in many things, we are all works in progress and lifelong learners. Therefore the opinions of one may not always represent the opinions of all.

Aliisa DeSalvo