Today’s readings are 2 Kings 12-14

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Rabbit Trails

The water is warm so let’s dive right on in!

But they didn’t take the high places away. 2 Kings 12:3

This decision will continue to bring about disaster and havoc on the people.
A great analogy I’ve heard is to think of it as if you were weeding a garden. If you simply cut off the top of the weeds, they will grow back. You have to remove the root in order to keep your garden clean and free of weeds. I’m going to talk more about high places towards the end of this note.

 Therefore YHWH gave Israel a savior…2 Kings 13:5

Again, this is a pattern of YHWH. He sends people to help His chosen, those who cry out to Him, and those who repent or seek Him. He does this according to His own wisdom and at His discretion.

When we read this verse, I think most people instinctively go to the Messiah in their mind, because of the word “savior”. While we see foretelling and foreshadowing of the Messiah beginning in the Genesis in our Bibles, and this verse is part of the YHWH pattern of sending a savior (which culminates in our Messiah) this particular passage is referring to a savior who was likely an unnamed judge, a military leader, a relative of one of the kings, or one of the kings themselves. This is something you may enjoy digging into as a personal rabbit trail. Hippity Hop!

The prophet put his hands on the kings hands 2 kings 13:16

This is a precious reminder that when we turn to the Father for guidance and strength, we may think we hold the instruments but it is He who is in control – What a burden lifted! ?

2 Kings 13:21 WHOA! Read that to see what I mean. Seriously!

~Back to the Weeds~
But the high places were not removed; the people still sacrificed and made offerings on the high places. 2 Kings 14:4

Doesn’t this just break your heart every time you read it?
So many generations, so many times people actually manage to do what is right in the eyes of YHWH – but the high places are not removed.
The repetitiveness of this cannot be overlooked. How many times have we read it already just in the past week? It is a warning, a reminder, a call to open our own eyes to the high places in our own lives that we allow to stand while we worship the Father as if we are not being unfaithful to Him at the same time. I’m sure I’ve still got some high places that need to be torn down, removing just the top of the weed has never been enough. Let he who has ears, hear – Shema.

I’m so grateful, excited, encouraged, and blessed to be here with you today, searching the Word of our precious Father together. Wow! He has given us such a gift in His Word and in one another.

I sure do love y’all!

Test everything, hold tight to what is good.~ 1 Thess 5:21

We are saved by Grace alone: Obedience is not the root of our salvation, it is the fruit!

May YHWH bless the reading of His Word!

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