I’m not the guy who has it all figured out. Most days it feels like I’m not the guy who has ANY of it figured out. I’m not the guy who has a perfect bank account and stock portfolio. I’m not the guy who routinely beats temptation or anger or fear. I’m not the perfect parent nor do I have perfect children. I’m just not…

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. (2 Cor 12:9)

Now some will say that I need to watch my words, that I need to be careful how I speak about myself, but, like Paul, I will boast in my weaknesses because everywhere I am not, everything I am not, He is. In those places where I am weak, in those moments where I can’t, He can. His power (when I rely on it) is made perfect in my weakness.
So I want to encourage y’all, tell me who you’re not!
We have spent far too much time looking at candy-coated caricatures, fabricating fanciful falsehoods. In our time, we simply can’t bear to be REAL with one another anymore. And that’s why, in so many areas of Christian growth, we have become stagnant. Our successes have very little to teach unless their testimony is accompanied by the preceding failures that made them possible. Tell me where you struggle. Tell me where you hurt. Tell me how you overcame (or are overcoming). Tell me who you’re not!
And after you have told me who you’re not, tell me how God showed up. Tell me how He put the pieces back together. Tell me how He brought your prodigal home. Tell me how you lost everything and ended up better off than when you started.
Every miracle in my life, and they are numerous, occurred when my weakness finally met God’s grace and made room for His power to operate in my life.
So don’t tell me about your strengths; boast a little in your weakness. Tell me who you’re not!

About the Seeking Scripture Team: We are a group of believers from all walks of the faith, saved by grace alone through faith in our Messiah. While we are of one accord in many things, we are all works in progress and lifelong learners. Therefore the opinions of one may not always represent the opinions of all.

Matt Adams
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